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European Top University Ranking ETUR
ETUR Contact




We welcome you to contact the Representatives of the ETUR Board.

Contact by email:

External: T.C.Mansfield@topuniversity.eu

Universities: N.H.Lafayette@topuniversity.eu

Research Centers: C.R.Wheeler@topuniversity.eu

European Funding: N.P.Thorstenfield@topuniversity.eu

Horizon 2020: H.C.Savart@topuniversity.eu

Assessment: G.C.H.Thornwalds@topuniversity.eu

Art: W.M.Servillans@topuniversity.eu

Film: K.C.D.Thanwert@topuniversity.eu

Music: L.C.M.Nuhjvaldser@topuniversity.eu

Casting: H.S.M.Skavallierd@topuniversity.eu

Fotography: M.H.G.Bernvilled@topuniversity.eu


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